First you must understand the truth.

There is no copyright license.

Or, rather, there is no license needed to use copyrighted characters in Korea. Should there be? Yes, of course there should. But, you see…

They just don’t fucking care.

Case in point, one of the math books students at my school use:

I really doubt Warner Brothers got any cash (or other considerations) for this use of characters from the Matrix. There is also a text with Lord of the Rings characters and another with ones from Star Wars (but only the prequels). It’s not just western movies that are getting ripped off. A couple high profile Korean films also have their characters gracing textbooks.

So what does this have to do with anything? Nothing much, really. I guess maybe I’m going to miss the lawlessness of what’s basically the Wild, Wild West (or is it East?) of the world of copyrights. Japan’s much more uptight about stuff like that. Of course, I can always come back to Korea if I really miss it.

Then again, China and Thailand are supposed to be even worse about it than Korea, so maybe I should go to one of them and see how it’s really supposed to be done.
