My webstats worry me.

And make me wonder just who’s been looking at my site.

Most every webhosting company has some sort of stats package. This allows people with websites to look at what kind of traffic their site is getting. Most stats packages will show you how much bandwidth you’re using, which files or pages are getting the most hits, what countries your traffic is coming from, and even what search terms are leading people to your site.It’s this last one that I’m concerned about – the search terms.

This site has been up for almost 2 months, and I was hosting files in the space for about a month prior to the web pages going up. Plenty of time for my stuff to be showing up on search engines like Yahoo and Google. I was curious what might be pointing people towards the site, so checked my search terms today.And got a very queasy feeling.

What’s the #1 search that leads people to my pages?”cute+12+year+old+girls”


What’s even more creepy is that if you do a Google search with that string, one of my pages is the 4th result returned.

Out of 454,000 results!!!

What’s the #1 Google answer? “12 Year Old Girls With Big Boobs”

How the fuck did this happen?

Well, it comes from my weblog entry entitled “12-year-old boys think I’m cute.” I had no idea what the result of (what I thought was) an amusing, if somewhat misleading (given the context of the entry) title could be.And it only gets worse.What’s the #2 search that gets people to my site?”cute+boys+12+years+old”

EW!!! EW!!! EW!!! EW!!! EW!!! EW!!! EW!!!

And what happens when you plug

into Google?

I’m #1 out of 363,000 results!!!

What came in second in the Google search? “looking for a talketive, popular and definitly CUTE 12-13 year boyfriend”So it would seem I’m not as popular as busty pre-teens, but I’m more popular that (what’s most likely) a middle aged man posing as pubescent girls trying to attract young boys.

I feel so dirty….

And I’m glad I’m not living in the US right now. I’m sure all this would somehow get me on a national “perv watch” list circulated to every law enforcement agency around the country. Want to know what rounds out my top 10 search terms? (Probably not, but I’ll tell you anyway.)

3. 12-year-old+boys
4. 12+year+old+cute+girls
5. ignorance+saying
6. really+cute+12+year+old+boys
7. creepy+english+guy
8. 12+year+old+cute+kids
10. where’s+drew

The name of my damned site is only #10!

Right behind 6 pedo-esque strings, ignorance, creepy english guys and a reference to a site I probably spend too much time on.I’m sure documenting this and posting it isn’t going to help matters, but it’s too gross not to share. Kind of like how if somebody pours a glass of milk and it doesn’t taste quite right, their first reaction isn’t to pour it out, but rather to get somebody else to taste it. I can’t “pour out” these things from my stats, so my only option is to share them.

Oh, and if you’re one of those pedos who came to my site via some search term like the ones I’ve talked about here. Go away. You sicken me.