Damn, I missed iit!

Or, rather, it missed me.

Today was Friday the 13th and I barely noticed it. Actually, I didn’t even notice ’til somebody at work brought it up around 5PM. If I’d been aware of it, I probably would’ve made a point to rent one of the Jason movies. Oh well.

Not that it’s all that big of a deal, especially in Korea. They don’t have that particular superstition here. (Instead they dwell on things like “fan death.” I’ll cover that one another time.) I would’ve brought it up in my classes today, but with tomorrow being Valentine’s Day, it was more appropriate to tease them about who they were buying chocolates for. I was only teasing the girls though, since Valentine’s Day is when girls give gifts to boys. Boys return the gesture on White Day, which is March 14th. That’s actually a pretty sweet deal for the guys. No worry about spending your cash on V-Day, only to get dumped right afterwards. You know you’re pretty much guaranteed one more month of relationship time with the White Day plan. Sure, that’s cynical, but how often does a setup like that work in the guy’s favor?

Turns out some of the boys were kind of bummed out about the timing of Valentine’s this year. They’re right at the school year changeover (they don’t change grades in the Fall here) and there’s no school tomorrow. Seems they’ll be missing out on the prime candy day of the year. But it’s not all bad news for them.

White Day is on a Sunday this year! ^.^