You gonna eat that?

Sometimes appearances can be quite deceiving.


What’s this a picture of? And would you eat them?

If you guessed “mouse droppings” or something similar, I won’t hold it against you.

I would still expect you to eat them, however.

“What are they?” you ask.

They’re Lotte Chocoball Sunfuns, reffered to on the package as “Crunchy Coated Sunflower Kernels.” They’re individual sunflower seeds. They’re dipped in chocolate.

They’re a bit like crack.

I’d never heard of them till a friend from FG asked me to find some and mail them across the sea. I had no idea what they were called or anything, but managed to track them down. I bought a pack and tried them out, making sure I was getting the right thing.

Holy crap, were they good!

I instantly understood the attraction and have since been scheduling deliveries to keep Japan (well, one part of it) stocked with these things. They’re beyond tasty and not all that bad for you. A 142 gram (5 oz.) bag only has 750 calories, and it takes me over a week to finish off a bag. Not the least bit damaging to my TTGFOOYM diet plan. A few bites of these after lunch each day and my sweet tooth is held at bay.

If you’ve got a Korean or Asian market near you, I highly suggest picking some of these things up for yourself. Here’s what the bag looks like:

The backside of the bag is pretty much the same, but it has the nutrition information and also says “Chocoball Sunfuns” in English.

There is a downside though. If they’re not sold outside of Korea, how am I going to keep getting my fix after I leave here?
