Engrish test

It’s probably a good thing they don’t know the meaning to some of the stuff they come up with.

At the end of every month, all the classes that have a textbook curriculum have tests. There’s always two parts. A grammar test covering three units of the textbook (worth 75 points) and a reading comprehension test from a supplemental book (worth 25 points). Most of it’s pretty straightforward stuff, and it’s all been covered in class before – so there aren’t really any surprises.

Not for the students anyways.

I usually get a couple each month when grading papers, though. There are always a couple mistakes that read funny or sentences that are just so wretched that it takes a few moments to puzzle out what they meant. And then there’s stuff like this:

I expect that’d make anybody happy!

Yes, it’s just an innocent mistake, but it’s packing quite the double meaning – especially with that exclamation point on the end – and it got a good laugh out of me.

Fortunately, I was grading this in the office and not in a class. I’m sure it’d raise all kinds of questions, since the tests aren’t seen as amusing by the students and they’d want to be in on the joke. This is one I would not want to explain.

Heck, stuff like this almost makes grading papers fun.


(Oh, in case you were wondering, the correct answer was “didn’t study.”)