Our Lady of Cybertron

All bear witness to the Immaculate Transformation!

After finding the mini-traffic-training-whatever-it-was park while taking a shortcut a couple weeks ago, I’ve been wandering off my regularly traveled paths more frequently, hoping to find more random bits of weirdness.

I found a doozy last week.

Headed home from the coffee shop I cut through a set of apartments I usually go around. From the corner of my eye, I spotted something quite strange.

Steel girders.

Now, to understand why this is strange, you have to understand Korean construction. 99% of it is poured concrete. Lay a foundation, throw up forms for supports, fill ’em, pour the next floor on top of that, throw up forms for supports…repeat until building is finished.

And not only were the girders themselves an odd site, but the size of the construction was quite out of character as well.

Take a look for yourself:

Lots of girders, big open spaces, high peaked roof – oh, what could it be?

(I think you can guess.)

Yup, it’s one big, honkin’ church. And they’re happy to tell you, “Jesus Needs You!” Yeah, I bet he needs your money to finish this monstrous eyesore.Actually, it’d be pretty cool if they just stopped construction on it now. As I approached it I had visions of Transformers showing up for Sunday services, prepared to take communion in transmission fluid and spare parts – eager to hear the tales of how Optimus Prime is the one true champion of good.

As it is, I expect they’ll finish it, then start sucking cash out of the local community. Too bad, really. The Transformer thing would’ve been so much cooler.