Next, as construction week continues on Discovery…

(I really didn’t intend to have some sort of a theme for this week, it just kind of worked out that way.)

No, I don’t know how it happened, but all these topics just kind of bubbled up to the surface all at the same time. So what’s today’s bit about?

A really short crane.

Usually when you see construction cranes, they’re these massive, almost majestic, towering structures, soaring high over head. Not this one:

And no, it’s not still in the process of going up. That’s as big as it’s gonna get. Don’t worry about it taking out the church, either. That’s on the other side of the street. In all fairness, it is slightly taller than it looks. You see, it’s standing in a hole:

Okay, a BIG hole.

This construction site is a block away from my apartment, and it just across the street from the traffic park. I had no idea something of this scale was going on so close to my home! If the crane hadn’t gone up I probably never would’ve given the site a second look. And since that pic doesn’t quite show the scale of the hole, here’s another angle on it:

Of course, the next question is – what the hell are they building there? I didn’t know (obviously), but there’s one easy way to find out. Construction companies in Korea love renderings of what their projects are going to look like. (With good reason, I suppose.) Every site that’s not the typical lame-assed concrete box always has a nice picture up of what the finished project is going to look like. This one is no exception:


Not your typical concrete ass-box at all! Nice and high-tech, lots of glass and steel – but what’s it going to be? A rough translation of the yellow text says:

Mountain Church Culture Material Center

Looks like the Transformers church is getting some competition. Am I unknowingly living on the site of some future Autobot/Decepticon showdown?
