Snackfood on tour

Possibly coming to your town!

When you think of the words “world tour” you probably think of rock bands, plays or maybe even museum exhibitions. You probably don’t think of Pringles.

But perhaps you should:

Japan always seems to get the coolest flavors of Pringles. I’ve seen German Bacon and Mexican Tacos before, and discovered these two new ones during my trip last month. (I’ve never tried the German Bacon ones, but the Mexican Tacos are truly great.)And there seems to be an international theme to a lot of the ones they get. But “world tour?” It’s not like the Pringles themselves are on tour. Sure, maybe they’re imported, but that hardly counts as “touring.”Unrelated to the “touring” thing, but still cool, was the giveaway that 7-Eleven was having when I bought the above cans.

Now you can have the fun of the Pringles guy on your cellphone! (Or not.) Okay, not that useful, but it’s hard to turn down free stuff.And in case you were wondering, the salsa ones were pretty good, but the pizza margarita ones weren’t anything special. That’s probably for the best, since I’ve pretty much sworn off all snack foods in an effort to lose weight. There are still occasional weak moments, though, and Pringles do seem to find their way into those moments.