Begging for blood

Troubles with vampiric Girl Scouts.

Every so often, something happens that goes a bit beyond weird. I’m used to strange, odd and unusual stuff going on here, but even so, I get caught off-guard sometimes.

Like today.

I’d gone to Seoul to check on the suit I’d ordered last week and to get a fitting done. Nothing strange about that. Normal ride on the subway there and back. Then I got back to Ansan and got off the train.Right after passing through the ticket gate, I noticed these “Korea Scout” girls (they’re not “genuine” Girl Scouts, but rather the local equivalent) accosting people in the station. Hadn’t seen that before, but I figured it was some kind of fund-raising scheme. And they were being generally polite about it. Not at all like the little bitches who’d set up outside my Safeway and hassle the living hell out of you if you dared to not buy any Thin Mints.

I didn’t see any cookies so I didn’t have a clue as to what they were on about. None of them were hassling me, which was both expected and a relief.

Until I got out of the station.

No sooner am I out on the sidewalk then one of them rushes up to me. A student from my school I assumed, since she knew my name.

“Drew, give us your blood!” she cried.

That was just fucking weird. But, it did explain the scouts. They were trying to get people to donate blood at the blood bank that’s right by the station. A noble cause, for sure. Certainly more noble than the whole cookie thing.

Even so, I chuckled at her delivery and declined, heading off towards home. I thought it was funny, and didn’t want to bum her out by explaining that foreigners can’t give blood in Korea. Seems ours isn’t up to the local standards, and may dilute the recipient’s “Korean-ness” or something.A shame really, since I’d imagine it would’ve been a real coup for her to snag a foreigner for the drive, and do it by speaking English. She’d have raked in cool points to spare on that one.
