Stuck in traffic? Feeling lonely?

How about some phone sex!

Not a follow-up to yesterday’s entry, just one that I’ve been meaning to make for a while. Similar to the phenomena of coffee girls and window shopping, phone sex is also marketed pretty openly in Korea. How openly?

How’s this:

That seemingly plain poster on the light pole is a phone sex ad. “Adult Phone Sex” it proudly proclaims. (I’m not too sure about the other part, since my translation app says it means “use meaning of a passage.” Then again, it may be accurate after all!)

These posters are all over my neighborhood, too. I mean, everywhere. On nearly every street and most every street corner. They’re always on light poles and whoever is putting them up must have no compunctions about where they go. Outside convenience stores, chicken restaurants, apartment complexes, schools and shopping centers.And they’re a relatively recent phenomenon. The first time I saw them was a few months ago, out on a rural road, posted at an intersection. I thought it was funny, and laughed at the idea of somebody stuck in traffic feeling the need for a little phone fun. I guess it may make sense if you’ve got a long drive and no good tunes to listen to.

But about a month ago they started showing up in my neighborhood. Only here and there at first, then – almost overnight – they were everywhere. I’ve seen a few torn down and laying on the sidewalk, so maybe there’s somebody around who’s not a big fan of the phone sex. Understandable, I suppose, but why compound the “adult ad eyesore” issue by littering?I’m not sure how much it costs here, or what the variety on the lines is, but I’m guessing it’s not $4.95 a minute and that there’s only one type of chat available. Almost a pity really. With the amount of cell-phone users and the prevalence of tech in this country, they’re prime for a high-tech sexual revolution.

I mean, you can get sex delivered (coffee girls) or go out and browse around for a suitable hooker (window shopping) – but that’s pretty plain stuff. Where are the websites where you can browse hookers online? Pics, videos, audio samples, lists of “will dos” and “don’t dos,” favorite acts and more. Hell, they could even be like camwhores and put up a link to their wishlist!

This country is primed for a digital pimp to come in and start cleaning house. Hmmm….I wonder if it’s too late to start learning Korean….
