All good things…

Damn, how did 9 days go by so quickly?

Yes, my vacation is over. Back to work and all the little demons tomorrow….It was a very busy 9 days, so odds are being at work might feel almost restful. But that’s not to say it was a bad vacation.

Quite the opposite!

It was great to spend a lot of time with Tracey and to cruise all over Tokyo. I went to a music festival, a Thai food festival, a freaky flea market, a hobby expo and the (fairly) legendary Design Festa. I also did some shopping, got some new clothes, found some new places to buy retro-geeky stuff (old games and Mac stuff) and kept myself from spending all the money I’d brought along.

And I took a buttload of pictures!

How many? Well, the “Tokyo May 04” album in my iPhoto has 373 images in it. Granted, not all of them are usable, but the majority are. I could probably do nothing but photo entries and not run out of material for a month.

But I won’t.

There are more tales to tell from the trip and new finds to share, so unless something amazing happens in Korea in the near future, expect to be reading about my trip for the next week or two.

Maybe even longer….