
(Please, pardon my laziness.)

If you came back today expecting some cool stuff from Design Festa, I apologize. But I only said I’d be posting stuff from there, not when I’d be posting it. Just wait, it’s coming.Instead, I offer up another snippet of Engrish. This one is genuine, not some sloppy American songwriters posing as Engrish poets. This bit was found in Harajuku (like so many other things) one evening as Tracey and I were headed home. We’d just finished dinner at Fujimamas and were on our way back to the train when an intoxicating smell grabbed hold of me.

I quickly tracked it down and picked up a six-pack of chocolate croissants from Choco Cro. They’re quite tasty, but I think maybe they bake them a tad too long. They seem to push them a bit past flaky and into crispy territory, and that’s a place no croissant should go.

Oh! And they’ve got some kick-ass Engrish on the box:

Honestly, I don’t know what they’re trying to say there, but who cares? The croissants are good (and even better with a glass of cold milk) and you can get ’em fresh and hot whenever the place is open, so what’s not to like?Well, maybe that I didn’t get a four-leaf clover, so I’m not sure what that bit’s about….

(Oh, and I’m being lazy today because it’s my birthday. More on that later.)