Gratuitous Pussy Shot!

Whaddaya know – Asian ones really do have straight hair!

If that’s not what you were expecting to see, you should be ashamed of yourself!

I spotted this little guy outside of work tonight. No doubt he was lured out by the smells coming from the chicken restaurant on the first floor of our building. I was surprised to see him, so I had to grab a pic. (Sorry for the blur, but he wasn’t really hanging out posing for snapshots.)I know some of you are thinking, “it’s a kitten. Big whoop.” Well, it is a big whoop, actually.

Since kittens don’t exist in Korea.

Well, they must, since there are gomicats and all, so there must’ve been gomikittens at some point. And perhaps there were, but you’re unlikely to ever see one. This is the first kitten I’ve seen in Korea since 1996. That’s eight years. Quite a long time to go without a little pussy.Luckily I wasn’t too surprised to see him and was able to get my one blurry photo. I’m glad I spotted him, and I feel like some bit of faith in something has been restored. It just goes to show – when you’re not looking for pussy is when you’re most likely to find something very special.
