I never promised you a weird garden.

Oh, wait – I did!

I’ve put my techno-lust on hold today, and am going to make good on the promise to show you the truly weird bits from the Hobby Fair I went to while in Tokyo – two months ago. (Really, I had no idea I’d still be blogging about that trip two months later, but I should’ve known, given the massive amount of photos I took.)

If images of naked (and scantily dressed) women made of vinyl might be offensive to you, you may want to skip today’s entry.

Okay, you were warned. Nothing too strange about this one – except the price. Over $100!


And then there’s “Monkey Girl.”

Fantasy characters were well represented, but few were as well done as this pair of nymphettes:

With a name like this, you’d expect them to have something really hardcore.

You’d be wrong. (Great workmanship, though.)

I kinda doubt there were many ninjas like this in Japan’s past.

I’m not sure what the deal with this model was, but the detail was phenomenal.

“Boxing Helena” has nothing on Japanese modelmakers.

And last, but certainly not least, the weirdest one of all.

No, I don’t know why there’s an eel in the picture and not on the model.

And I don’t really want to know.