
Nothing refreshes like a nice cold bottle of – rabbit?!?

I’ve gotten used to seeing weird stuff in the grocery stores and markets here in Korea, so it’s rare that anything really surprises me. It does happen every now and then, though.

While in the beverage aisle looking for mango juice last week, I came across a bottle of “rabbit water.” Now, before you jump to conclusions, it’s not made from (or flavored to taste like) rabbits. At least, I don’t think it is.

But with a label like that, it’s hard to be sure.

Actually, the product name is “maro water” and it’s named after the rabbit on the label, Mashimaro. Like Japan, Korea has many, many odd little characters used to sell all kinds of stuff. Mashimaro is pretty popular and one of the only ones I’ve seen to have his own beverage.I haven’t tasted it yet, but from the looks of it (cloudy, white and non-carbonated) I’m guessing it’s one of those amino drinks that are becoming more and more popular these days. Pocari Sweat is probably the original, but there are scads of other, Aquarius, Amino Calpis, Amino Supil, Plus Water, Minus Water….

Most of those taste okay, so I imagine this one will too. But what if it does taste like rabbit?!?
