Bloggus interruptus – redux

What? Again?!?

Well, maybe yes, maybe no. Some of you may have noticed that yesterday’s entry got uploaded late. And it wasn’t a very good entry at that. I did write it yesterday, but forgot to upload it, so it’s not like I cheated.

The reason for this absentmindedness?

I’ve got company coming to visit!

For the first time in all the time I’ve spent in Korea, somebody’s making the trip to come see me. “Who is it?” you ask. Tracey, of course! She’s only coming over for the weekend (sounds odd for an international trip, I know, but it is only a 2-hour flight), and I’ve no intention of spending any of that time in front of the computer.

I’m just a few minutes away from leaving work and heading to meet her at the airport, so this may be the last entry until Monday. I’m sure you can find other ways to amuse yourselves over the weekend.

I know I will! ^.^