Bad Hotel Porn

And, no, I don’t mean the “film it yourself” kind.

If you remember the entry about the love hotel visit in Japan, I’m sure you’ll recall how worthless I said the porn was. Well, it seems Korea is determined to outdo Japan in yet another area.

Now, before you go getting the wrong idea (that we’re staying in a love hotel while Tracey’s here), you should know we’re at a Best Western.

Yes, they have a porn channel at Best Western.

That may be surprising on its own, but not nearly as much as the content of the porn they show. Nothing perverse or anything, mind you, just not very “pornographic.” Why not? Well, it’s Korean porn – and what does that mean?

All scenes where people are naked and (supposedly) having sex are shot from the waist up!

At first I wasn’t sure if it was actually worse than the mosaics or not – but it is. What makes it worse is that people will pay for this stuff.

How much would you pay for a video (or DVD) of two topless people hugging and grunting?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

I do have to wonder though, is there any country (repressive regimes excluded) that makes worse porn than Japan and Korea? Is such a thing even possible? I fear that the answer is “yes.”

Oh, and if you have such a tape? Please, keep it to yourself.

My retinas hate me enough as it is.