Raindrops on bare skin

isn’t always a pleasant sensation.

For instance, like when you’re going 80 kilometers an hour on a motorcycle. In that situation, raindrops seem to feel more like BBs than water, and it’s not all that fun.

So why would somebody subject themselves to such a situation? Chances are, they’re either stupid, crazy or they took a gamble. I gambled.

And lost.

Right now Korea’s in its rainy season. We haven’t gotten hit with anything torrential yet, but we may. So far it’s just been off-and-on showers – and those have been more off than on. The two days last week when I bussed it or walked it to work, fearing rain, my trip was dry both ways. I was dead tired (from a great weekend) today, so I figured I’d chance a ride today, since the forecast was just like last week.

I got a brief bit of rain on the way there, but barely anything to complain about. I was dry shortly after arriving, and thought I’d made a good call. The rain picked up some during the day, then stopped about an hour or so before I was due to get off work. Perfect!

Or not.

30 minutes prior to quitting time, it started up again. Nothing too bad, but light and steady. Enough to soak one pretty well if exposed to it though. Fortunately I wasn’t that exposed. Well, I was on a motorcycle, but I did have on long pants, a shirt (short sleeved) and a helmet. It was my arms that got shotgunned by the rain.

The rest of me just got wet.

But it’s really no big deal. The rain is just uncomfortable while it’s pelting you, then you’re just wet afterwards. But I’m home and dry and headed for bed. I really need to catch up on my sleep.

Maybe I’ll blog about why tomorrow.

Hah! You wish! ^.^