3 x 125 =

A really bad idea.

I’ve seen some odd stuff in Korea, but this was a first:

Seriously, what the hell were these guys thinking? At what point did this seem like a good idea? Three dudes on a bike that’s really only meant for one, but can do two in a pinch? Is a cab really that expensive? Are you in that much of a hurry?


The “riding without helmets” thing is very common here, but three dudes on a 125cc bike? That’s a definite first. I’m just amazed that bike could still move with that much weight on it. I guess they build ’em better than I’d thought.

Stuff like this is why I always carry my camera in the little pouch on the shoulder strap of my backpack. You just never know when you’re going to see some shit that you ain’t never gonna see again. I was able to pop my camera out while these dudes (and myself) were waiting for the light to change. I put it away too soon, though, since as soon as I did a cop came up and started talking to them. I’m not sure what he said, but I’d imagine it was something like,

“Are you guys fucking retarded?!?”

They gestured back to him, pointing down the road. I took that to mean, “hey, we’re just going a little ways up the road. That’s cool, right?” The spoke again and made his own gesture, pointing at the sidewalk. “Hell no, it’s not cool. At a minimum, one of you morons needs to get off that bike.”

At this point the light turned green, and the Three Musketeers headed off down the road, leaving the cop to scurry back to the sidewalk, lest he be run over by the approaching buses. I headed off as well, shaking my head and wondering what thought processes brought that sight into being.