for when you need to chat with your friends while they poo.

No? Well, then you tell me what this ad is saying:

“You’re on the train. He’s having a poo. It’s a great time to chat!

I’m sure this campaign is incredibly successful here in Korea, as it combines three things all Koreans seem to love and cherish – cell phones, chatting and poo.

Nearly everybody here has a cell phone, and it’s a very gossipy culture, so the first two are givens. The third (poo) would take years of research and probably a federal grant to truly get to the bottom of (no pun intended).Poo is everywhere in Korea! Kids draw it when they doodle in their notebooks (or on their desks), they talk about it and make jokes about it.

They even have a “game” in which the object is to sneak up behind your friend and jam your fingers up his ass.

(No, that isn’t a joke. It’s called ddong-chim.)

Actually, since this ad is so dead-on with Korean culture, I have to wonder when I’m going to start seeing women with afros on the subway wearing nothing but skirts. With my luck, that’ll probably go into effect right after I leave….