Boys Killer


My apologies, this really should have a picture to go with it. But, since it would have meant taking a picture of the chest of a 14 year-old girl in one of my classes, I decided to forgo that. I mean, even though my contract is ending in three weeks, I think taking a photo like that would not have it ending on the best of terms.

And could even cause it to end a little early.

So, instead I’ll present the text of the shirt in question:

Night Fever
Make your self a play girl!
Take a risk!

I do wish I had a picture of it, because it’s such great Engrish. It makes some kind of sense, but it’s just out there. The best part was, the girl hadn’t even read her own shirt! I’m sure it was one of those, “oh look! This shirt has English on it!” shopping decisions that so many of my students make.

I noticed it in class today, mostly from the “BOYS KILLER” in three-inch high letters in blood red. I laughed when I saw it, and asked her if she really did kill boys. She had no idea what I was talking about and gave me the “teacher is crazy” look. I pointed at her shirt and said, “but it says ‘BOYS KILLER.’ So do you kill boys?”

The boys picked up on this and were all, “oh yes! She is killer!” The girls were a bit nicer to her, but still laughed at what it said. She was very embarrassed and spent most of the rest of class slouched low enough in her seat that none of her shirt text showed above her desk.

The class was instantly polarized into two groups. Group 1 wanted me to read their shirts and tell them if they said anything funny. Group 2 held notebooks over their shirts in case they did say anything funny.

Nobody could top BOYS KILLER though. It wasn’t until later in the class that she’d recovered enough for me to read the rest of her shirt. I jotted it down in my notepad and she asked what I was writing. I told her and she vanished back under her desk.


I dug the shirt though, and found myself wondering if maybe I could find one in my size….