What’s the difference between George Lucas and Michael Jackson?

Lucas waits for the kids to grow up before he fucks ’em.

I’m sitting here watching Star Wars (the original one) tonight, and I can’t help thinking what an utter goddamned idiot George Lucas is.You see, I’m watching the real Star Wars, not some namby-pamby “let me see what I can change here” special edition. Sure the effects may look a bit dated, but they still hold up incredibly well after 27 years. That said, I can see Lucas wanting to clean up some of them to make it look as good as possible. I’ve got no complaints about that.

But when you start changing scenes and redefining the characters, You’re going too far.

Han shoots first.

That’s really all that needs to be said about the “special” editions. Apparently they weren’t “special” enough, since Lucas is still screwing with them, “making them better” for the impending DVD release. I’ve heard rumors and read stuff online about what’s been changed or added, and all I can think is –


The worst of the rumors is that he’s still not done “improving” the movies. After Episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith) comes out next year, there’ll be its impending DVD release as well. Once they’ve soaked up the cash from that, count on seeing some super fantastic extra “special” edition of all six movies in one box.

So do yourself a favor. If you like the movies the way they were in 1977, 1980 and 1983, find those versions online and download them. Alternatively, you can get them on LaserDisc, but that involves finding a functioning LD player and good copies of the trilogy.

Me, I’m downloading.

If George is willing to rape my childhood memories, I’m more than happy to return the favor on his copyrights and intellectual property. Balancing the Force and all that.