It’s like getting together with old friends.

And then killing them off, one by one.

You’ll have to forgive me on this entry, as it’s way, way, behind the times.

Two years ago, not long after I started my first teaching gig, Warcraft III came out. I’d always been a big fan of Warcraft II, and I’d been awaiting the release of the next game in the series. (Incidentally, I was introduced to W2 in Korea, back in ’96 when I was here with the army.) W3 promised new campaigns, new units, new races and a whole new graphics engine (3-D models vs. 2-D sprites). And after what seemed like forever, it was finally out!

But I never bought it.

I can’t say why, but I just never got around to it. It got great reviews, looked great and seemed to have all the stuff from W2 that I liked so much, plus all the new goodies.

I finally got around to it this week. Sort of.

I saw the super-combo set of W3 at one of the stores I go to in the bargain software bin. “Sweet!” I thought. Well, not so sweet. It’s in the bin, but it’s not on sale. Still $40 for the game, expansion and extra goodies is a good deal. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to drop the cash, so I went home and downloaded the demo. “And how was that?” you ask.


It played very smoothly on my iBook (as it should, since I more than meet the minimum specs) and was every bit as fun as W2. Even better, actually. They tweaked some of the stuff in the game and gave it a solid story, with characters and cutscenes. And they didn’t take out the stuff that made W2 so cool. All the units say their trademark stuff when you click on them, and the new guys are every bit as cool as the old ones. It’s very, very polished. So now I’m thinking $40 is a bargain price for the combo set.

I sense another trip to the store very soon….

And if you’re into RTS (real time strategy) games and haven’t gotten around to playing Warcraft III yet, I strongly suggest you check it out. You’ll be glad you did.