Leaving your mark on history.

Or at least something kind of permanent.

Sometimes I can be a bit impulsive. Usually it’s nothing big or bizarre, but something might catch my eye and this little voice in my head says,

“Hey, that sounds like a good idea!”

I don’t listen to it all the time, but every now and then an idea comes along that just won’t let itself be passed up. Like yesterday, for instance.I’d gone over to Bundang, where I used to live, to hang out with some friends. We were on our way back to their place after making a run to the store for snacks and stuff when one of those things caught my eye. I’d actually seen it on the way to the store – and the good idea began to take shape then – but it wasn’t at the “must do” stage until the return trip. What was it?

Wet cement.

Now, this is the kind of thing I wouldn’t normally give a second glance to, but seeing it, and being so close to leaving here, the good idea would not be denied:

I know, I know – there should be a comma after “long.” But I guess having the grammar be messed up is somehow fitting for the end of a teaching gig. Plus, I got in an Asian-style emoticon – and two exclamation points!! That makes it even better!


I didn’t date or sign it, since that didn’t seem right. I know I did it, and so do my friends, so that’s all that really matters. A simple, happy goodbye. I figure I owe Korea at least that much.