The more things change,

the more they really fucking change.

I finally got my internet access at my new place hooked up and functional, which was one of the main things holding me back from blogging. Even when I was at Tracey’s place, iBlog was acting up and I was having to upload everything manually. That was a real pain, so I just said “screw it’ until I had a reliable connection of my own – and wasn’t just leeching wifi off whomever I could.

So now that I’m back online for real, what’s been going on?

For starters, two days after my last post I became single again. I won’t go into too much detail here, since pretty much anybody who’d need to know that stuff already does. I’ll just say that it wasn’t my fault and it hurt worse than anything else I’ve ever felt in my life.

Aside from that major load of suckage, everything else has been going pretty well.

I’m getting my place furnished bit by bit. I got a great futon (American style, queen size) that’s heaps better than the dinky single bed that was in my apartment when I moved in. I’m still waiting on my entertainment center to arrive, which means the TV and the Xbox are sitting on the floor right now. It’s not all bad though, since there’s a way-cool lava lamp that looks like a rocketship sitting between then.

I’d say the current state of things here is somewhere between “ghetto fabulous” and plain old “fabulous.”

A few more weeks and everything should be considerably less “ghetto.”Work’s going great and I’m getting into my routine there. It’s a bit of a change to go from something as academic as my last school to teaching preschool, but I like the new environment a lot better. More casual overall (gotta love a job that lets you wear shorts to work), better hours and more respectful kids make it a much nicer place to work.

Adjusting to living in Japan was pretty much no adjustment at all. I like just about everything here better than I did in Korea. Yeah, some stuff costs more, but the tradeoffs (less pollution, better air, drinkable tap water, better food, better public transportation, better electronics shopping, better regular stores…) are definitely worth it.

I’ve got a list of 15+ things to blog about, so I don’t forsee anymore impending blog gaps. Especially with more stuff happening all the time. I’ll make one possible exception. If I’m out and about somewhere, I’m not going to rush home in order to get a day’s entry typed in and uploaded. Believe me, if I’m out and it doesn’t look like I’m going to come home, I’m doing something far more interesting (and fun!) than sitting home blogging. ^.^