You’re not fooling anybody,

so just give it up ya frickin’ perverts!

Nissen, the place I ordered my entertainment center from, was nice enough to send me their Winter 2004 catalog today. So of course I started checking it out to see if there was anything else I could make some half-assed justification for buying.


I went through the furniture and housewares, then wandered into the “health and beauty” section.

That’s where I found this:

Just who are they trying to kid?

You can hide it inside a cute little plush dolphin if you want, but it’s still a damned waterproof vibrator. And don’t try and tell me any chick is going to be smiling that much from using it on her shoulder. Okay, I get that the dolphin bit is so you can leave it on the side of the tub and not worry about any embarrassing questions being asked should somebody happen to spot it – unless they also get the Nissen catalog, of course – and maybe it’s got a texture that’s just right for delicate places, but come on!

It’s a vibrator.

It’s primary function it to get you (that’s the generic “you,” not you specifically. Well, maybe it is) off. I’m not saying there aren’t any “health benefits” to be had from one of these things, but let’s be honest and sell it for what it is.

Besides, how many people are going to shop Nissen for “personal care items” like this? Especially when there are much better places to buy those kinds of things in Japan. Love Piece Club may be a bit pricey, but the selection beats the hell out of any catalog furniture store.

So why not do your shopping at the places that serve specific needs the best? You wouldn’t buy furniture from a sex shop, would you?

So why buy sex toys from a furniture store?