What do we have here?

It seems the police have themselves an RV.

When I went into Seoul yesterday to drop off my visa paperwork at the Japanese consulate I had to do a bit of exploring. I’d never been there before, but I had a map, so I knew I could find it. As it turned out, it was less than a block away from the US Embassy. Anybody who’s ever been in Seoul knows how to spot the US Embassy. It’s the big building surrounded by barbed wire, police and a ring of police buses. (You can always tell which ones those are. The wire grilles over the windows kind of give them away.) Yesterday, however, there was something new.

This, I had not seen before:

I guess the protesters have been getting a bit rowdier of late.

I have no idea how they would use this thing in a crowd control situation, other than a means for intimidation. Seriously, what could they do with it that wouldn’t involve grievous bodily harm or death?Okay, it looks cool (dunno about that blue color though), and I’m sure the guys all fight over who gets to drive it, but what the hell is it for?!?

Anybody have an idea?