“Look at me! I’m a ghost!”

That may be, but you’re still not

Earlier this year I wrote a piece about Asian ghosts. They weren’t
scary then, and they’re not now, but it’s a cultural thing that’s not likely to
go away soon, if ever.

they can be

shown by one of my students this week.

Most of the girls tend to do something
with their hair – a single ponytail, pigtails (“rabbit hair,” according to
another of my students), or whatever – but this one girl’s been coming to school
with a mop this week. I’m not sure if she got tired of having it done up, or if
her mom got tired of doing it, but she’s found it makes for great ghost

And damn if she’s not almost a
dead ringer (no pun intended) for that chick from

still, not scary.

Can somebody
get these people some real ghosts?