“Used Hard”

You gotta love truth in advertising.

During one of my bits of wandering last week I came across a game shop I hadn’t been in before. Granted, there are probably hundreds of game shops in Tokyo I haven’t been in, so this wasn’t that surprising. I should point out that game shops are like a magnet to me. Even when I’m not looking to buy anything, I’ll still go into them. I’m up on what most of the new stuff is, but I love to look at the older, used games and systems. There are some decent deals to be found, and sometimes it’s almost like going into a little museum. The store I found was Amusement Developer on Okubo–dori. They had a great selection of older stuff, but I kept myself from buying anything, mostly due to how much I’d already spent on games in the previous few weeks. I did like their signage on the game systems though. They had nice, descriptive labels on them, letting you know exactly what you were getting for you gaming dollar (or yen, as it were).

I can only guess what “Used Hard” means, but I really think that anything that can be described that way should be more than ¥699 cheaper than a new system. Sure, the “Pearl White” PS2 is one of the limited edition models (yes, there are “limited edition” game consoles), but still, I can’t see the point in buying the used one when you can get the brand new one for a few bucks more.

Silly pricing schemes aside, the store was really nice. They had a big selection of books and magazines (not all gaming related) as well as movies, music and a batch of other stuff. It’s a bit out of the way, and not in an area I really go to that often, but I think it was part of a chain and not just a single location. I’ll keep my eyes open for any more of their stores.

I imagine they’ll be getting some of my money in the not-too-distant future. ^.^