Dead muppets go to Japan.

Where they are then turned into cushions.

Well, not directly. There’s that whole skinning and gutting process to go through first, and I think the fur is the only part of the Muppet that the cushion uses, but you get the idea.

What the hell am I talking about?

Yeah, I suppose an explanation might be needed here.You see, when I first moved into my apartment it was pretty bare. The only furniture I had was a far-too-small bed. Everything else sat on the floor – the TV, my videogames, my computer, me. Not an altogether comfy way to live. One of the first things I picked up was a small table. It’s square, not quite three feet to a side, and just the right size for holding a computer. (I used to use it with my iBook, but since I got the iMac, that’s taken over the table permanently.) That got the computer off the floor, but I was still stuck there. I do have a carpet (that’s overtop of tatami mats), so it’s not like having to try and get comfy on a hardwood floor. Still, it wasn’t great.

My butt needed something.

I did a lot of my initial house furnishing and knick-knack buying in Ikebukuro. At the Loft store in Seibu I found a great cushion. It’s fairly thick, round, comfy…

…and covered entirely in dead Muppet fur:

And it’s shiny too! See how it bounces back the light from my flash? That’s some high-grade Muppet they’re using there! I only bought one of them, since I wasn’t doing much entertaining when I’d first arrived. But now I find myself with more friends, and more friends coming over to visit. My futon is great to sit on, but it can only hold so many people. For those unable to get a spot on the couch, more cushions will be needed.

And that means more Muppets must be killed.

But don’t feel too badly for them. It’s all for a good cause. “What cause is that?” you ask.

Comfy butts, of course! ^.^