Every morning should start with a happy ending.

But it would be nice to be awake enough to truly enjoy it.

(Note: Before you start reading this you should be aware that it’s going to contain a somewhat descriptive recounting of sexual events that involve me. If that’s not the kind of thing you want to know, go ahead and skip today’s entry.)

I got invited to a party at a friend’s place last night. The same friend (H.) whom I went out with on New Year’s Eve. She’s quite the character, so of course I accepted. I knew that I probably wouldn’t know anybody else there besides her, but she’s cool enough so it seemed safe to assume that her friends were as well.It was an interesting mix of people – mostly Japanese, but a few foreigners. Everybody was very friendly, and it was cool to finally meet her roommate. (I’d chatted with her a few times online and was looking forward to meeting her in person.) The conversations were mostly about traveling and stuff like that, and I got some good info about places to go and places to avoid. One of the guys works for Namco as a CG artist, so I got to geek out for a bit with him.Everybody was drinking, chatting and having a good time.

But some people thought it needed to be more exciting.

Namely, H. and her roommate (M.). They came up with a combination of “spin the bottle” and “truth or dare,” neither of which I’d played in about 15 years. Their version was played as such:

1. Spin the bottle.
2. Whomever it ends up pointing at has to choose “truth” or “dare.”
3. Anybody can suggest questions or dares.
4. Once the person does it, it’s their turn to spin the bottle.
5. Repeat as necessary.

I think the girls wanted things to get a bit bawdy and were always coming up with intensely personal (and usually sexual) questions. People just didn’t seem to be getting into it enough though. They’d answer the questions okay, but only a few people would come up with good ones to ask. Almost nobody was willing to pick “dare” though, which made it more of a conversation game. So I did my part to get people choosing “dare” by showing that it was nothing to be afraid of.

I chose “dare” every single time the bottle pointed at me.

I guess the stuff they were coming up with was supposed to be embarrassing or something, but since I really only knew two people there, it’s not like I had any sort of reputation to protect.

Heck, I could even make one for myself if the dares were good enough.

They turned out to be okay, but were nothing really shocking or embarrassing. I had to:
1. Give a lapdance to one of the Japanese girls.
2. Eat guacamolĂ© dip from another one’s belly button.
3. Let the sole gay guy at the party eat some from mine.
4. Suck a girl’s (M.) toes.

Now, none of that is really a big deal (at least not to me) but everybody else seemed to think it was. I guess they were just a reserved group, which is odd, considering the effect that H.’s presence tends to have on people and their inhibitions.The game went on for a bit, then just fizzled. Things got back to being conversational again and that’s how the party went until people started filtering out and catching trains and cabs home. When it was down to just a few people (myself, M., H., J. (the gay guy), R. (a Japanese girl) and K. (gaijin chick)), H decided she wanted to go out to a club. Only J. and R. wanted to go with her. K. was well on her way to passing out and M. and I chose to stay in and hang out together.I don’t remember if we were asleep when they got home or not. Actually, I don’t really remember the point as which M. and I decided to crash.

The next thing I remember was being half-awake with somebody rubbing my stomach.

I opened my eyes and saw R. kneeling next to me. She’d pushed my shirt up and was massaging my tummy. I’m not sure why, but there she was, doing it anyways. It felt nice, so I just went with it, enjoying the feeling of her hands on my skin.

Then I felt her hands undoing my zipper.

That seemed a bit forward, since at the time I couldn’t even remember her name, or if we’d even been properly introduced at the party, but what the hell. She’s cute and if she wants to play with me, I’m not going to get shy all of the sudden. Really though, my thought processes at that time were hardly as detailed as that. I still had a bit of a residual buzz and was pretty out of it, so I’m sure my thoughts were more like “girl play cock? ok!”

And play she did.

She definitely knew what she was doing. It felt good, but I’m sure it would’ve felt even better had I been fully conscious. As it was, I just laid there enjoying it until she was finished. Rather, until I was finished.

Now, maybe it’s just me, but I think if you’re going to play with somebody like that when they’re half-asleep (especially if the sleepy person is a boy) – the cleanup responsibilities are yours.

Look, if I’m awake and into things and the fooling around is mutual, I’ve got no problem cleaning up the aftermath. It’s a fact of life and one everybody has to deal with. No biggie. But if the other person’s not really even conscious, a little courtesy on the part of the player to keep the playee tidied up when things are done only seems fair.

But I guess R. was more into it for the end result and not any of the housekeeping that comes (no pun intended) afterwards. I didn’t care at the time and just went back to sleep, so I guess it’s more of a nitpick on my part than a big complaint.

I mean, how much complaining can you really do when a cute girl takes it upon herself to give you a morning handjob and wants nothing in return? ^.^