Words fail

Is a picture still worth a thousand words even if they’re only “What the fuck?” repeated 333 1/3 times?

Because I’m damned if I can think of any other words for this:

Okay, maybe “What the fucking fuck?” (repeated 250 times)I saw this beast in the parking lot of my grocery store after work today and there was no way I could have passed it by without snapping a pic.

I mean, I didn’t think people in Japan did shit like this.

What effect/image/whatever is this dude after? Jack up the minivan? Make it a 4×4? Those seem almost like novel ideas. But to put a fucking snorkel on the air intake? Where the hell does this dude plan on driving?!? Is there even any place in Japan that would require such a vehicle? Okay, I kinda doubt whoever did this plans on taking it anywhere off-road. If he did, why would he have bothered with getting all the special decals on it?

But still…..