Oh, Pepsi…

…why do you mock me so?

Three-and-a-half weeks ago I posted about the cool Nintendo caps Pepsi was giving away on Pepsi Twist (and Diet Pepsi Twist). Since then, I’ve been drinking quite a bit of Pepsi.

And it’s not paying off as well as I’d hoped.

I’ve bought 23 bottles since then and my ratio of new to duplicate caps is getting worse and worse. Granted, I didn’t think my luck would hold at 9:1, but I thought it’d be better than 18:14. The ones I have are nice, but I feel compelled to try and get them all. Here’s my collection so far:

Pepsi Twist caps:

Diet Pepsi Twist caps:

I still need 5 regular caps and 7 diet ones. I’ve stopped trying for regular ones right now, but my last 6 diet caps have all been dupes. Should I go back to chugging sugared soda? Or maybe I should find others who are collecting as well and see if was can trade. Hmmm, there’s an idea.

Any Tokyo folk out there want to swap caps? ^.^