Now this is how you run a giveaway!

Pepsi, you taking notes?

Giveaways and odd promotions are pretty common in Japan. Most of them follow Pepsi’s “fuck ’em! They can just buy more and more ’til they get everything” model.

Thankfully, there are some that don’t.

I needed some juice this weekend, and I had a choice of two brands, Qoo and Natchan. Both are decent, but I think Natchan tastes just a little bit better. There was another key deciding factor, though.

Natchan was giving away Lego fruits!

Not only that – it wasn’t random!

Sure the package shows six different smiling fruits (and one might assume the one that’s largest in the picture is the one in the package), but in the bottom-left corner it also says which one it is.


Granted, there are only six different ones, unlike the 30 Nintendo caps from Pepsi, so it’s much easier to make 6 different packages. Still, Pepsi could’ve gone with clear plastic so you could see which cap is inside instead of the foil the used. Plus, the juice comes in bottles three times bigger than the Pepsi ones, so if they had 30 different fruits, that’d be a hell of a lot of juice to drink.

I’m not sure if I feel any compulsion to get all the Lego fruit. Sure, they’re cute, but they’re not really calling out to me like the Pepsi caps are.
