How do you know when Spring’s come to Japan?

No, not those cherry blossoms.

Spring is here when you can buy
ninja socks!

The only drawback to
ninja shoes is that they require ninja socks. (Of course, it’s not that much of
a drawback, since the socks are pretty cool too.) Since the shoes have the big
toe split off from the other four, regular socks just won’t cut it.

The thing is, the only ninja socks you
can buy year-round are the full-length ones that construction workers wear.
Great for winter, but not so for warmer days. And since I tend to break out my
summer duds (shorts, ankle socks, etc.) before most people I need to be able to
buy these things earlier.

past weekend, my prayers were

From my visit last May, I
knew UniQlo carried them, but they’re only a seasonal item. The finally put them
out last week, so I happily snatched up a few pairs. I also saw some at Muji in
Ikebukuro, but they were only in the “little foot” size, 23-25 cm. My feet are
about 28 or so, so the 25-27 ones are stretchy enough to cut it. A pity too,
since Muji had some that were nice black/white mixes.

No matter, I’ve got my socks and
shorts and I’m all set for summer.

I may need to find more ninja
shoes, though… ^.^