Maybe it’s not the sun.

Maybe it’s me!

I may have been hasty in blaming the sun for my problems. (Well, not the sunburn thing – that one’s clearly the sun’s fault.) I’ve been complaining to some friends recently about how the sun rising to early is causing me to wake up a lot earlier than I need to. I don’t have to be at work until just before 9:00, and it only takes me 3-5 minutes to walk there from my apartment, so do I really need to wake up at 5:00?

No. No, I do not.

I’d thought the early morning sunlight was the reason I was waking up so damned early, but now I’m starting to think that may not be the case. It was raining last night and it’s still quite overcast this morning. I had some new tech (more on that later) I was playing with and was up until around 1:30 this morning. Since it’s Golden Week, I’m off until Friday, so I’ve got no real reason to wake up early. So what time did I wake up this morning?


I can’t blame the sun for this one as it was anything but bright at that hour. Could it be that my body’s deciding when it’s had enough sleep and what time I should be getting up without consulting the brain?

Body: Three hours seems like enough sleep. Time to get up!

Brain: Whoa! Hold on there, dude. It’s only 4:30!

Body: Yeah, but I got 3 hours of sleep, so I’m ready to take on the day!

Brain: Hey, dipshit. There is no “day” yet. It’s still dark outside.

Body: Not for long. Let’s get up so we’re ready to greet the sun.

Brain: No way. I’m going back to sleep.

Body: I don’t think so. Lalalalalalalalalala! Let’s get up!

Brain: I hate you so much….

While I can find uses for my time when I wake up 4 hours before I have to be at work, I’m really not comfortable with it. Why? Because being productive early in teh morning is what old people do. Grandpas are the ones who want to be up at the crack of dawn so they can do whatever it is grandpas do. I’m not a grandpa and I’m sure as hell not old. Heck, I’ve got a whole ‘nother year of my mid-thirties to go!Ugh. I’ve got to find a solution to this situation, because I’m really not cool with it. Any suggestions?