Everyday say “moose.”

For your body. For your life.

Just because you can write a word in Katakana, that doesn’t mean you should say it phonetically. There’s a drugstore near my place named Seims. I’m not sure what it’s supposed to mean, but that’s what it’s called. Their big sign outside has the name in English, with Katakana written underneath it. That part reads like this: ????. Pretty standard stuff, and I’d never have thought twice about it,

Until I heard the store’s jingle playing on the PA system.

The bulk of the song is in Japanese, but the chorus is in English. It goes:

“Everyday say ‘moose.’
For your body. For your life.”

Makes sense for a drugstore.

Or it would if it didn’t sound like they were talking about large woodland creatures.

Sure, it’s just Engrish, and that’s pretty common here. But how often do you get to hear it sung?
