Random Text

From my hard drive.

I have a folder on my desktop called “Text Bits” that I use for storing small fragments of thing I may need to refer to later. I also use it as kind of a dumping ground for stuff that I find amusing or interesting that I may have run across on sites I read a lot. (Slashdot probably has more quoted bits than any other site.) I realized today that I never really share many of these with anybody.

Allow me to correct that.

So here you go, random text in random order. No rhyme or reason to any of this, just digital effluvia.


(If this randomness is your sort of thing.)

Meh. I’m not even going to go into the Fall of Anakin Skywalker. (“Anakin! Be evil!” “No.” “Sure?” “Well… all right, then.”)

A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without bricks tied to its head.

– 3 medium ripe avocados, seeded and peeled
– 1 tablespoons lime juice
– 3/4 cup peeled chopped tomatoes
– 1/4 cup finely chopped onion
– salt, to taste

PREPARATION: Mash avocados; fold in chopped vegetables and stir in lime juice and salt to taste.

There has grown in the minds of certain groups in this country the idea that just because a man or corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years, the government and the courts are charged with guaranteeing such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances and contrary to public interest. This strange doctrine is supported by neither statue or common law. Neither corporations or individuals have the right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be stopped, or turned back.- Robert Heinlein, Life Line, 1939

If your law requires a police state to enforce, your law is wrong.

Let me ask you something. Do you like my ass? It is nice.

Welcome to America, Land of the Free**Void where prohibited. Some restrictions apply, see DMCA/USAPA.

“Koreans are great ones for reacting when their ox is gored, while ho-humming while your herd is being slaughtered.”

It has all the plot and character development of pornography plus all the sex and nudity of the 700 Club.

Neckties are an absolutely useless piece of frippery for men who wish they could dress with the elegance and style of a woman, but are afraid to wear pretty dresses in public.

the silent majority: a grown-up version of imaginary friends