Fuck that dude with the frying pan.

This is your life on drugs.

Ever wondered why those anti-drug commercials seem so stupid – and ineffective? They tell you what’s wrong with drugs.

But they don’t show you.

I’d heard of Requiem for a Dream a while back, but never got around to watching it until recently. If there were ever a true anti-drug movie (and not some fluff like Reefer Madness – original, not the musical) that got it right, this is the one.

Seriously, I don’t know how anybody could watch this then think shooting heroin might be a good idea.

I pointed this out to a friend of mine, and he countered that if it (the movie, not heroin) worked on me then I wasn’t somebody who was likely to try heroin. He said that anybody who’s into drugs would filter the film through their drugs/reality processor and see only the good. And in RfaD, the good was pretty good. A shoebox full of cash. A hot girlfriend. Making dj mixes with your best bud. Sure, that was all good.

But what about the bad parts? You know – the whole messed up arm, getting arrested, whoring yourself out for smack parts. He said they’d gloss over that, thanks to heavy application of the “that could never happen to me” filter.

He’s probably right.

Still, what a messed up movie….