Guacamole for dummies

It really is simple!

I went to a party at my friend Heidi’s place early this year and was blown away by the awesome guacamole she’d made. I don’t know what her secret is, but it’s phenomenal stuff. Ever since then, I’ve developed a bit of an addiction to the stuff.

Sadly, I don’t seem to have the knack for making good guac.

I’ve tried a few different recipes and they all fall quite short of greatness.

Hell, they fall pretty short of acceptable.

But thanks to Kaldi Coffee Farm, there’s hope. KCF is a Japanese chain of imported food shops that may just be the expat’s best friend. They’ve got stuff from all over the world, and can satisfy a wide range of cravings. They also happen to have one item that handles my little green addiction.

Lawry’s Guacamole Spices and Seasonings

Just mash up two avocados, dump in the the magic power and mix. Presto! Instant guac! It’s not as good as Heidi’s stuff, but it’s retartedly easy to make and tastes quite good. My grocers always has avocados, and I keep a few packets in my cupboard, always at the ready.

For you never know when the green monster will need to be fed. ^.^