The wisdom of webcomics.

Well, maybe not sage words, but perhaps still worth heeding.

I don’t often start reading new webcomics, especially ones that have been going on for a while. If I do, I feel a compulsion to go back and read the entire archives.

And if the strip’s been around more than a year or so, that can take a while.

But some of them are worth the time, and since I’ve found one, I thought I should share it.I don’t even remember where I originally got linked to Least I Could Do, but I’m glad I did. It’s an amusing strip (updated 6 days a week!) about a total horndog of a guy, his friends and their lives. It’s not full-on smut like Omaha or some other “adult” comics, but it does deal with sex as a more than occasional topic.

But so what? Everybody likes to talk about sex, right?

The main characters name is Rayne, and every now and then they do a “Tao of Rayne” strip. This quote is from my favorite of those:The fool concerns himself with the 99 who say “no.”While the wise man comforts himself with the one who says “yes.”Perhaps not the most profound thing out there, but certainly words worth taking note of. Of course, it’s balanced out by strips like the one below, so it’s not like things get too deep:

Then again, there’s also some universal truth to be had there as well. ^.^