Barbara Bush

Geez, what a cunt.

I’ve got a new favorite website – I mentioned it in my post a couple days ago as a good source of video clips. They’ve covered a lot of stuff in the past, and their current focus is on the Hurricane Katrina coverage.

Specifically, the fuckups and idiocy surrounding the government’s response.

It’s been interesting to see the media finally take the gov’t to task for its mistakes. (Would’ve been nice to see some of this regarding Iraq, but I guess you can’t have everything.)

One of their latest bits is a choice quote from Barbara Bush. You can get the audio on their page (Sept. 6 update), but here’s the text:

“What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is that they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overhwlemed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this (chuckle)–this is working very well for them.”

These people escaped New Orleans with little more than the clothes on their backs (and only that in some cases), lost everything they own and are living in a fucking sports arena.

Just how is that “working very well for them”?!?

I’ve heard of people being out of touch with reality before, but holy fuck! That bitch is in another goddamned universe.

I home karma has something special in mind for her.