Tarts Rule!

And I’m not talking ’bout pastry.

There are certain questions one expects to hear when meeting somebody for the first time. Where are you from?What do you do?How old are you?Are you single/married?etc., etc.

Pretty standard stuff, right? Which explains my surprise (and explosive curiosity), when – in addition to the basic questions – I got asked this one by a new (female) friend this week:

“Wanna see my porno?”

Not, “my porno” as in “one I own” or “some stuff I downloaded” – both of which would have been unusual, to say the least. One simply doesn’t expect new women friends to bring up porn so quickly in a first conversation. Even if they did, they most likely wouldn’t have meant the question the way she did. You see, when she said “my porno” she meant “porn I’ve starred in”

And not just some “did it in my bedroom with a webcam” video clip. Her question was followed with the presentation of a DVD, complete with her (and a few other people) on the cover.And how did I respond to this most unusual of questions?

“Cool, but let me finish fixing your computer first.”

Yeah, I’m that much of a dork.I’d gone over to a friend’s place to set up a wireless router so that she and her houseguest (the girl with the DVD) could share the internet connection. My friend was at work, so it was just her friend and I hanging out for a bit while I got stuff set up.

No, we didn’t get up to any shenanigans. (Or tomfoolery.)

We just talked while I got their computers set up. About what? Well, the more usual sorts of conversational stuff. Okay, so there was some talk of her film work, and I was grilled about what sorts of girls I was into, but none of it had the sort of awkwardness that sometimes comes up in first conversations with people.

And that’s how things should be.

Which is why I named this entry what I did. You see, “tart” is not a derogatory term. At least, not in my mind. Most women are too shy (or pretend they are) to talk about the things they really want to. Those few that are willing to do so get labeled as “brazen,” “tawdry” or other such things.

But they shouldn’t be.

Chicks who can be that open and honest deserve our admiration, not condemnation. To be willing to say what’s on your mind, unconcerned with the judgements, opinions or idiocy of others is one of the best qualities a person can have.

And it’s part of what makes tarts so sweet. ^.^