Itchy Business

Really, this is something you oughta keep to yourself.

As much as I enjoyed the bluntness of Australian advertising, there are some products I don’t need to see ads for.

Like this:

I mean, seriously. Come the hell on. Sure, there may be people out there with itchy nads too embarrassed to go see a doctor about it, but do I need to see this?

In all fairness, this one wasn’t out on public display (but knowing what I do of Australia it wouldn’t shock me to see it on the side of a bus). So where’d I see it?

On the inside of a men’s room stall door.

I guess that’s probably an appropriate place for an ad such as this, given that those who need the product will probably focusing on the issue when they see the ad.

But it’s tough to focus on your business with that dude’s look right in your face.