The Disconnected Life

How long can a geek go without an internet connection?

Unfortunately, I’m about to find out the answer to that question.

I’ve mailed in my application for service at my new place, but I’m told it may take a couple weeks to get things connected.

A few weeks?!?

And there’s not even a neighbor I can leech wifi from! (Yes, I took my laptop with me after I got my keys to see if there were any signals in range of the new place I could use.)Okay, it’s bad, but not horrible. I mean, I can get online at work with my laptop, so I’ll be able to check email and stuff easily enough. My time spent mindlessly surfing will pretty much disappear.

Not that that’s bad.

I spent far too much time just geeking off and not doing anything real. (Time I could probably spend blogging….) So less of that will probably be a good thing.

Sadly, it means no downloads for a while.

I’ve gotten a lot of games that I’ve not gotten around to playing, so there’s some catching up to do. No worries on that front.

TV shows and movies, on the other hand….

Yeah, there’ll be some catching up to do once I’m back online.

But at 100 Mbit/sec, I don’t think catching up will take that long. ^.^