
Everybody should get an Xmas card this nice.

I’m sure it’s no surprise to most people who know me that I’m not really into Xmas. I’m not religious, and while I am a consumer, I don’t go all holiday apeshit like some people do.

But sometimes you get a special bit of Xmas from somebody that really gets to you.

I got a card (and a gift) from one of my students on the last day of school before vacation, which I thought was really nice. It’s not something I expected, as I only teach her class once a week (though I do see her everyday), and I don’t know her any better than I do any of the other kids.

But I’m not that special.

She gave a present to everybody, so it’s not like I was singled out. But I guess that makes it even better, since she went out of her way to give something to every teacher.Normally when I get presents before Xmas I open them right away. But her card was really sweet, so I’m going to hold off and open it on Xmas. It just seems like I should. ^.^Anyway, here’s the card she wrote (not bad for a kid who’s not even five, considering English isn’t her first language):

I’ll be back with the present tomorrow.