New Year’s Eve

Big whoop.

I really don’t know why this is considered a holiday. It must go back to some near-prehistoric time (though if it were prehistoric I guess they wouldn’t have calendars and wouldn’t know it was a “new” year, no would they?) where just surviving another year was something to be celebrated. Maybe then such a thing was a big deal.

But is it anymore?

Maybe if you’re homeless (and it is winter), or on the verge of losing your job, or suffering from some terminal illness, then yeah, living out one more year is something of an achievement. But for the general population, it’s no big deal. You know what it means to me?

A new calendar.

Seriously, that’s it. I suppose if I still lived in the US I’d have to try to remember to write the correct year on my checks, but I haven’t written a check in a couple years, so that hassle’s gone from my life. And I got my calendar for free, so it’s not like there was any big New Year’s cash outlay for the one thing I’ve got to do. BIc Camera gives away these nice, poster-sized calendars of a map of Japan. I had one last year, and made a point to get the new one when I saw them in December.

Yes, I know I’m putting somebody’s ad up on my wall, but so what? I shop there anyway, so it’s not like I’m being influenced by it.So I guess if you’re into the whole New Year’s thing, you should try and have a happy one. But if you’re like me, and it’s just another night for you, why not hang out, watch a movie, and go to bed at a reasonable hour.

That’s what I did. ^.^