Pleasure is fleeting.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

(No this isn’t about the sex I had last night. That was anything but fleeting. ^.^)

This is about something tragic.

Until today, my vacation had been going pretty well. I’d hung out with old friends, made some new ones and gotten some serious gaming done (mostly on the 360). I’d found new new spots in Tokyo to explore, got out of the house and even got a bit of exercise.

Clearly, things were too good to last.

Most of the TV shows I download are getting ready to either come off hiatus or start new seasons, so I’d been re-watching some old episodes to get back up to speed on where everything had left off. Mostly I was grooving on 24, trying to get a feel for where season 5 might go. I’d watched a few episodes this morning, then went out to grab lunch and do some shopping, planning on continuing on in the afternoon.

Well, that’s what I’d planned to do.

I got back from my shopping, fired up the Xbox (I’d been watching the episodes using XBMC), turned on the projector and….


No. Fucking. Way.

Actually, yes fucking way.

Yup, just 12 days after getting it back from being repaired the exact same thing happened again. I guess this was a case of “fixing the symptoms but not the disease.”

Thanks, Sanyo.

So, instead of spending my evening relaxing at home, I spent it lugging the projector back to the service counter at Bic Camera in Shinjuku. I’d kept all the paperwork from the first repair (attempt), and didn’t think I’d have too much trouble explaining things. Even better, I got there and they had a guy on staff who spoke English (and not just the basic “customer service” English you sometimes find). I explained things to him and he got everything sorted on their end. I’d told him whatever was wrong with the projector was more serious than the bulb and power supply, and that I expected it to get replaced. He was cool with that, and said he’d take care of calling Sanyo and working out the details with them.

And once again, the waiting begins.

I just hope things will get taken care of faster this time. Though they did happen faster than expected last time, the results were less than satisfactory.

But it should be faster to give me a new unit than to (not) fix the old one.