Along the same lines as yesterday’s post…

…more geeky shit found on Google Videos!

I must preface all of these links with one thing:
I don’t play Counter Strike.

I did play it briefly about 6 years ago, but that was it. Even so, I still find these videos pretty amusing. Maybe you will too.

First up – people who take gaming (especially the dying part) waaaayyyyy too seriously.

Not a gracious loserTurn your speakers down before clicking this one.


Next, a re-enactment.

I really have to wonder if they got fired for this.

From the “Mad Sk1llz” department:

Superb Chinese gamersSuperb Chinese gamers – part 2(You probably have to be a gamer to appreciate the skill shown in those two clips.)

And finally…

A little Matrix-fuOkay, so that’s a bit weak for a blog entry, but what the heck. It’s my last day of vacation today (back to work tomorrow – whee….) and I’ve not bothered to get a lot done.I did take care of some stuff I had to have ready for work on Wednesday, so I’m a bit ahead of the game already.

Anyway, it was fun while it lasted. ^.^