Not quite 2.0

But the bulk of the grunt-work is done.

Well, that didn’t take nearly as long as I’d expected it to.

I had some time to myself yesterday and today, and managed to plow through the rest of the archives. So as of today, all 618 (or 619, including this entry) posts are in the new format, all cleaned up and ready for primetime.

Now, while I’ve gone and edited them to fix all the bad line breaks, there may still be a few glitches here and there. I think all the image links are good, and that there’s no bad HTML code – but I could be wrong. If you do any reading through the old stuff and come across a mistake, please drop me an email or leave a comment on the post that needs fixing.

Oh yeah, comments.

Since I’m using WordPress now, commenting is being handled internally. Because this can lead to comment spam, I’ve set things up so that all comments must be approved before they show up on the site. This may be kind of a pain, but it’ll keep the clutter down.

So what’s next?

Well, I want to take the supplemental stuff (links and movies) from the old site and give them a home here. Other things on my mind are custom banners for the different categories. The banner that’s up now was something I just came up with on the spur of the moment, but I really like how it came out. – so it’ll be the main one for the site for some time to come.

Beyond all that?

I dunno. What do you think would be a good change/addition to things around here?

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